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Case Studies - Tag: Firebase

DHL Portal - Laravel web app

The DHL Portal is a robust platform designed for private individuals to conclude an Adhesion Contract for cargo customs clearance services. Built using the PHP framework Laravel, the site ensures a secure and efficient user experience.

Key features include integration with an SMS provider for phone number verification and advanced encryption to protect user data and transactions. The platform boasts a user-friendly UX/UI design, making navigation intuitive and engaging for users. Additionally, the platform benefits from comprehensive security checkups and a meticulously configured web server setup to ensure optimal performance and security.

The DHL Portal exemplifies our commitment to delivering secure, high-performance solutions tailored to client needs.

IoT (Smart home) RFID/BLE scanner iOS App

IoT (Smart home) RFID/BLE scanner iOS App

CitrusDev developed an RFID/BLE scanner iOS app that operates efficiently in the background. The client’s in-house team lacked expertise in working with BLE in the background, but our experienced team successfully resolved their issue with slow scanning and door access times. The enhanced app now provides swift and reliable door opening, significantly improving user convenience and satisfaction.

Bartender – Flutter App (ios & android)

Bartender – Flutter App (ios & android)

The Bartender App, developed with the Flutter framework, allows users to view recipes for various drinks and cocktails. A standout feature is the product scanning capability, which retrieves recipes based on the scanned bottles and ingredients added. The app also provides detailed information on cocktail ingredients and allows users to explore a wide variety of drink recipes. The app leverages Flutter Bloc for state management, Dio for networking, go_router for routing, and Firebase for backend services.


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